Monday, October 13, 2014


FINGER is to HAND, which you WRITE with as HEAD is to NECK which you TURN. MOUTH is to TEETH which you BITE with as ARM is to ELBOW which you BEND.

Finger Knitting


Finger Knitting is so much fun. You can make a scarf and a bracelet and other things. Finger Knitting entertains yourself. I love Finger Knitting.           Bye!

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Bug's Names

Bug's are amazing,but you can't change there names. Otherwise  there names would sound weird . For example Ladybug would be Lig and Spider would be  Spiding . So now we know not to change bug's names. By!



Lego's are amazing, because you can build anything with them. Building is the best thing about it ,will I think so. There are  a lot of tip's  of Lego's . I love Lego's. Have fun building. By!

Monday, June 16, 2014


Hi! Today I am going to tell you about my show; it is called E.L.V.E.S. That is short for Extremely  Laughable Videos for Everyone to See. I have a sister who helps me with E.L.V.E.S. We make funny videos with are siblings. I laugh my head off. E.L.V.E.S is so funny. Bye!

Friday, April 25, 2014

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Frogs are Frogs

Frogs are Frogs
Frogs are frogs and logs are logs.
And toes are toes and noses are noses.
And trees are trees and bees are bees.

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Mazes are Mazes

Mazes are Mazes
Mazes are mazes and wazes are wazes.
Or mazes are wazes?
Dose that make sense?
Oh no!
So mazes are mazes and wazes are wazes?
Dose that make sense?
Now we know that mazes are mazes and wazes are wazes!

Pan From Fan

I once met a pan from fan.
Every day he loved Can. 
But when every he loved, he made a dove. 
That loving crazy 18 old pan from fan.

Monday, February 17, 2014

Family Valentines

Family Valentines Box

The things that you need to make a family Valentines  box are: a box and decorations.
The family valentines is for valentines just for the family like a scavenger  hunt with a special treat.

Note from Mom: She made a great scavenger hunt for all of us!  We really loved it!

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Picture Stories

Picture Stories

Picture stores are a fun game to play inside. This is want you need: you need some pictures and 1 person or more.You hand the pictures to the players if there is one person playing you keep the pictures then you start the story. This is a example.
                                  There once was a dragon living in a castle on the sun. One night a robber came 
                                  and stole the crown. Luckily a mermaid saw and called the police, and the 
                                  dragon got her crown back.
                                           The End

Balloon Bally Ball

Balloon Bally Ball

Balloon bally ball is a fun game to play inside but be careful if you want to do it outside (because it might fly away).  The things that you need are a balloon and 1 person to play; if  more people want to play that is fine. Be careful to not get the balloon stuck in the house in high places. To play, you toss the balloon in the air and try to keep it floating in the air without touching the ground.  When it touches the ground, you start over.  See how long you can keep it in the air or how many hits you do.

Friday, February 7, 2014

A Monkey from Money

I once  met a monkey from Money.
Everyday he is funny.
But whenever he is,
he makes a quiet biz
That funny 800 year old monkey from Money.

Lion From Fry In

I once met a lion from Fry In
Everyday he was cryin'
But whenever he does, 
He make a buzz 
That crazy young lion from Fry In.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

More about me

Hi, nice to see you again. I like to build with my Legos now and build things like a school and a bookshelf. Also I like to read. Crafts are one of my favorite thing to do. One of the crafts is collages of shapes. I love to play with my family.

Abominable Snowman Tag

Abominable Snowman Tag 
4 or more people

Choose someone to be the Abominable Snowman and 1-2 people to be Super Penguins. All the other people are regular penguins. If it is someone's birthday you might want the birthday boy or girl to be a Penguin Saver. When the Abominable Snowman tags you, you sit down and wait for the saver to tag you and set you free. If you do not have a birthday person to be a Penguin Saver and the Abominable Snowman tags you, do five or ten jumping jacks instead, then you can get back up and are in the game again. When you get tagged three times you go into the Abominable Snowman Jail.  To get out of jail, a Super Penguin must set you free by tagging you.  If all the Super Penguins get into jail, the Abominable Snowman wins.

Saturday, January 4, 2014

How to Draw a Horse

Follow the simple steps below to draw your own horse.  Bye!

Crafty is Arty

Crafty  is  Arty
Arty is Crafty
Or rty is Crafty
Rafty is rty
Or rafty is
Ly or afty
Is y or fty
Is a or ty
Is ar or

Y is art.

Friday, January 3, 2014

Horses and Orses

Horses are horses and orses are orses,
or horses are orses,
Sense no.  
So horses are horses, and orses are orses,  
Sense yes!

Once there was a horse that was walking in the forest of orse.  But the horse did not know he was walking through it. Then the horse met an orse.  The horse and the orse were so shocked, the orse bucked the horse. When the horse woke up, the horse and orse became best friends.

The End

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Hi! Welcome to my Blog!

Hi! I'm in second grade. You might think I am a little young to write a blog.  I think any age can write a blog except for babies. I would like to tell you some things about me...O.K.  I love to do crafts.  And art.  I love horses.  Every type of color.  I also like to read.  The reason I started this blog is to tell you about me.  I like classes.  I will tell you about me more later. Bye.

(Don't worry, my Mom is helping me too)