Saturday, January 4, 2014

How to Draw a Horse

Follow the simple steps below to draw your own horse.  Bye!

Crafty is Arty

Crafty  is  Arty
Arty is Crafty
Or rty is Crafty
Rafty is rty
Or rafty is
Ly or afty
Is y or fty
Is a or ty
Is ar or

Y is art.

Friday, January 3, 2014

Horses and Orses

Horses are horses and orses are orses,
or horses are orses,
Sense no.  
So horses are horses, and orses are orses,  
Sense yes!

Once there was a horse that was walking in the forest of orse.  But the horse did not know he was walking through it. Then the horse met an orse.  The horse and the orse were so shocked, the orse bucked the horse. When the horse woke up, the horse and orse became best friends.

The End

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Hi! Welcome to my Blog!

Hi! I'm in second grade. You might think I am a little young to write a blog.  I think any age can write a blog except for babies. I would like to tell you some things about me...O.K.  I love to do crafts.  And art.  I love horses.  Every type of color.  I also like to read.  The reason I started this blog is to tell you about me.  I like classes.  I will tell you about me more later. Bye.

(Don't worry, my Mom is helping me too)